“Space is big, really big”

“You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it is a long way down the road to the chemist, but that’s just peanuts to space.”

…and so on.

As an adjunct to today’s blockbusting “Hitchhiker’s” review, here’s a handy guide to our own wee corner of the universe—


—so that noone can accuse you of not taking an interest in local affairs.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy

[“The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy” poster art]Er, it’s quite good actually. Go see it.

All the actually funny lines are Douglas Adams’, but the filmmakers make rather a decent fist of the whole thing, and avoid screwing it up completely.

Definitely better than I was expecting.

There has been too much newsprint spilt over this film already, so here are the differences from what 3 million people have already said 8 trillion times:
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It’s Just A Flesh Wound!

[“Revenge of The Sith” poster art][Cue heavy breathing and tight-fitting leather uniforms.]

Yes, it’s George Lucas’s latest installment of his Star Saga.

Now Episode I was laughably bad shite, Episode II (Send In The Clones) was marginally better, and initial reviews indicate that Episode III may actually be watchable. However something caught my eye from a generally positive review by Kevin Smith:

[…] after cutting his legs and arm off, [Obi Wan Kenobi] leaves [Anakin] Skywalker* burning alive on the shores of a lava river, with Anakin spitting venomous sentiments at his departing mentor), this flick is so satisfyingly tragic, you’ll think you’re watching “Othello” or “Hamlet”.

(* Anakin Skywalker = Darth Vader for those of you struggling to keep up.)

I understand that Lucas cleverly uses archetypes and heroic myth to plot his films… but it sounds like he’s been more recently referring to Terry Gilliam (himself no mean exponent of folklorish archetypes). Remember that bit in Monty Python And The Holy Grail? The bit where Arthur, after cutting the Black Knight’s legs and arms off, leaves him spitting venomous sentiments at his departing tormentor?

Here’s a bit from the actual script which rather proves my point:
OBI WAN: Now stand aside, worthy adversary.
DARTH VADER: ’Tis but a scratch.
OBI WAN: A scratch? Your arm’s off!
DARTH VADER: No, it isn’t.
OBI WAN: Well, what’s that then?
DARTH VADER: I’ve had worse.
OBI WAN: You liar!
DARTH VADER: Come on you pansy!


[“Constantine” Poster art] Curate’s* egg. Go see it.

(*Or a priest’s, or some other religious type, holding aloft a crucific and warding off the encroaching armies of demonic pestilance, in graphic CGI.)

I probably went to see this movie in the wrong frame of mind. It’s nonsense. And if you don’t approach it too cynically†, you’ll enjoy it. At any rate, it has some power beyond the narrative, and the images stayed in my head long after I watched it, which is quite a compliment for a nonsensical movie.

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The Interpreter

[“The Interpreter” Poster art] Dead good. Go and see it.

It’s been a while since I’ve been to see a smart film, and—don’t get me wrong—dumb films can be really fantastic fun. (I’m even looking forward to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy.) But sometimes it’s nice to get your cinematic teeth into a bit of film that makes you think. (That doesn’t read quite right… You know what I mean.)

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