Category Archives: Theory

Java*: a critique (part 1/n)

*The Java Programming Language and JVM, that is. Sorry for the very pompous title, but I want to look at what—with the benefit of modern best-practice knowledge and hindsight—could have been different and better about 1995’s Java Programming Language.

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Non-nullable reference types in C# & .NET

Note: This article/proposal is an aggregation of several previous blog posts written over the past few years. The content is mostly the same, but has been edited for consistency and clarity.


In the C# programming language, there are two kinds of data types: value types and reference types. Reference types can hold either pointers to objects, or the special value null, which is used to indicate a ‘missing’ reference. This feature of implicitly allowing nulls in reference types has some well-recognised problems and the .NET team are already exploring ways of enforcing non-nullable reference types; this paper explores one possible design. Continue reading

Nullable reference types in C#: backwards compatability

C# Non-Nullable Types: Backwards Compatibility

In previous episodes I proposed a set of requirements for non-nullable reference types in C#/.NET, and a proposed design, including their interaction with generic types (polymorphic types).

There is also something to be said about backwards- and forwards- compatibility:

  1. How can legacy code — using implicitly-nullable reference types — be migrated to using non-nullable references without causing disruption?
  2. How should legacy code interact with APIs which accept or return non-nullable reference types?
  3. What are the implications of generic code to backwards compatibility?

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Nullable reference types in C#, a design

In my previous post, I outlined a list of requirements for non-nullable (and explicitly-nullable) reference types in C#. In this post we’ll dive into some further design decisions. Subsequent posts will look at the impact on generic types, plus backward-compatibility and some corner cases.

Expanding the type system

We add two new main concepts to the type system:

  1. non-null reference types T, denoted as ‘T!’, and
  2. explicitly-nullable reference types, ‘T?’.

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