Hello world!

So this is one of these web log things all the kids are into nowadays?

I used to have a website, but these things are so passé. Nowadays all the hip young things are blogging. Like there’s no tomorrow. Come with me now on a jouney into blog…

In common with other blogtastic experiements in on-line, self-publishing, ground-up journalism, this will be my small part of the web, filled with narcissistic navel-gazing and things that I think are worthwhile, damnit.

Graham’s Forgiving

Wired News, 5 March 1998

3:10 pm The Rev. Billy Graham says he’d forgive Clinton if it’s indeed true that the president had sex with Monica Lewinsky and then told her to lie about it. “I forgive him … because I know the frailty of human nature, and especially a strong vigorous young man like he is,” the preacher told NBC. Even though he acknowledged that the daily pressure of high office may bring temptation for a man who has a personality that would make women “go wild,” Graham said authority figures such as the president should be held to higher moral standards than average folks.

[emphasis mine]

Artificial Flesh

Cells from infant foreskins, used to grow human skin in vats of bovine collagen. About a month too early for an April Fool’s joke… so it must be true. Says a sales rep for the Canton, Massachusetts company, Organogenesis:

“People think I’m joking when I say we grow human skin, until I whip out a dish
of it from my briefcase,

“Skin’s a fun tissue to work with.”

The full story’s on Wired News.

Attack of The Bizarre E-mail

Somebody sent me this a couple of months ago, and I’ve been loath to delete it. It’s verbatim, but I’ve tidied up the formatting a bit :-) Utterly bizarre: somebody sending e-mail to me to ask permission to send me e-mail.

Note that this crime against manners, spelling, grammar, punctuation and intelligence was perpetrated with the help of some product called Extractor Pro Bulk E-Mail Software. I want to know where I can get hold of the Amateur version.

Subject: Your Permission Requested
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 03:27:03 -0400 (EDT)
From: skoked@power-agents.com
To: skoked@power-agents.com

I would like your permission to send you an E-mail regarding somthing I believe can be of benifit to ALL. “YOU KNOW YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOOSE”
If you would allow me to contact you via E-mail…..(REPLY WITH SUBJECT MORE INFO)
****************(only reply with the subject,(MORE INFO),without parenthesis************
If not,
I apologize for any inconvenience…………….and Thankyou……Bob S.

This Message was Composed using Extractor Pro Bulk E- Mail Software. If
you wish to be removed from this advertiser’s future mailings, please reply
with the subject “Remove” and this software will automatically block you
from their future mailings.If you do not reply with only the subject “Remove”
you will not be”Removed”.