
Achieving mutual exclusion

Let us look at how one might use a semaphore to achieve mutual exclusion when updating a shared variable:

// Global variables (shared between processes):
int count;    // The shared variable.
// Create a semaphore for mutual exclusion---initialised to 1.
Semaphore mutex = new Semaphore(1);

void addAUser(){
    register int temp;
   wait(mutex); // Start of critical section.
    temp = count;
    temp ++;
    count = temp;
   signal(mutex); // End of critical section.

The code for 'removeAUser' is left as an exercise for the reader.

Let's look at the case when two processes attempt to update the shared variable:
process #1 process #2 mutex counter blocked processes critical section processes
wait(mutex) 0 P2
wait(mutex) 0 P1 P2
blocked critical code 0 P1 P2
blocked signal(mutex) 1 P1
(unblocked) 0 P1
critical code 0 P1
signal(mutex) 1
wait(mutex) 0 P2
critical code 0 P2
signal(mutex) 1

The example above makes use of a 'binary semaphore'. It only ever has the values 0 and 1 (can you see why). Binary semaphores are ideal for mutual exclusion because we want to ensure that only one process is ever in a critical section.

last updated 13 February 1998